
Live Metallica: Copenhagen, Denmark- June 15, 2022 (2CD), , hi-res

Live Metallica: Copenhagen, Denmark- June 15, 2022 (2CD)

Shop/Media/Live Metallica CDs


Complete audio recording recorded live from the Copenhell Festival at Refshaleøen in Copenhagen, Denmark - June 15, 2022. 

You can purchase digital download formats of this show at once they become available.

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  1. Whiplash
  2. Creeping Death
  3. Enter Sandman
  4. Harvester of Sorrow
  5. Trapped Under Ice
  6. Bleeding Me
  7. Sad But True
  8. Dirty Window
  9. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
  10. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  11. Moth Into Flame
  12. Fade to Black
  13. Seek and Destroy
  14. Damage, Inc.
  15. One
  16. Master of Puppets