Song Details
Written by
- Douglas Colvin
- John Cummings
Total Performances
First Performed Live
June 4, 2002
Most Recent Performance
June 6, 2006
They do their best They do what they can They get them ready for Viet Nam From old Hanoi to East Berlin Commando - involved again They do their best They do what they can They get them ready for Viet Nam First rule is: The laws of Germany Second rule is: Be nice to mommy Third rule is: Don’t talk to commies Fourth rule is: Eat kosher salamis They do their best They do what they can They get them ready for Viet Nam From old Hanoi to East Berlin Commando - involved again They do their best They do what they can They get them ready for Viet Nam First rule is: The laws of Germany Second rule is: Be nice to mommy Third rule is: Don’t talk to commies Fourth rule is: Eat kosher salamisOriginally released by The Ramones in 1977 on the Leave Home album.
© WB Music Corp ASCAP/Taco Tunes Inc. ASCAP/Bleu Disque Music Co. Inc. ASCAP
Live Performances
June 6, 2006
Berlin, Germany
March 13, 2004
Las Vegas, NV, United States
Thomas & Mack Center
November 13, 2003
Osaka, Japan
Osaka-jou Hall
July 6, 2002
San Rafael, CA, United States
ReLaunch Party @ HQ
June 4, 2002
San Francisco, CA, United States