Jun 22, 2021

20 Questions with WolfSkullJack

Michelle, aka WolfSkullJack, offers up further insight into her heart and soul by taking our 20-question pop quiz with Question Master Steffan Chirazi.

1. What do wolf and man have in common?
We are all blood and bone on the inside.

2. What does your Sandman look like?
Like a gentleman with a fancy hat.

3. Tea or coffee and how do you take it?
I like both! I’m rather partial to Yorkshire Tea (milk no sugar) and I love coffee, but if I drink more than one cup it makes my heart Macarena out of my eyeballs.

4. Ocean or forest, and which specific location is a favorite?
Forest all the way, the ocean has far too much of a volatile spirit. I respect the ocean but from a distance! As always, my favorite bit of woodland/forest is in Shropshire where the wolf sanctuary, Wolf Watch UK, is.

5. If you could be any animal – other than a wolf – what would you be, and why?
I am drawn to any animal who is forest born, but I would probably like to be a crow. I admire them for their intelligence and no-nonsense attitude!

6. Which do you prefer: daytime or nighttime, and why?
I’m a bit of a night owl and love to star gaze.

7. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?
I’m going to be super boring and say Special K. I just really like it!

9. Can you describe your main struggle within?
I’ve never been great socially, but I think the last year has made me a lot more secluded and weird.

10. What one thing could you share with us about you that is sad but true?
Not being able to digest onions and pizza past the age of 30.

12. Yes or no on Marmite (similar to Vegemite for our US readers)?
I love some marmite on toast with butter!

13. Nothing else matters to me other than…?
…my new hamster, Waffles.

14. Which place would you most like to visit that you have not been to?
I think next on my list is Iceland, the landscapes look out of this world. Plus I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights!

15. What is the craziest mask you’ve worn during this pandemic?
My husband, who is also an artist (Massiveface Art), has this rad skull mask that he made. A little bit morbid, now that I think about it.

16. What animal species would you elect to do a better job around here than humans?
Any other species.

17. What is your favorite Metallica album to listen to when working?
The S&M and S&M2 albums are firm favorites!!

18. What is the strangest place you’ve ever heard Metallica?
I never leave my house – I’m sorry that’s not a great answer. [Don’t worry, Michelle, a lot of us don’t anymore either!]

19. What is your favorite sandwich?
There’s this amazing place in town called the Sandwich Box that makes huge fresh rolls. The ham and coleslaw is my favorite from there, but they’re open during strange hours and sell out of bread really fast!

20. Where would you most like to go and see Metallica live next?
Iceland would be so cool!! I’ve always wanted to go and to tie it in with a Metallica show would be a dream!

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