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September 26, 2019

Global Citizen’s Global Goal Live

We’re very proud to be part of Global Citizen presents Global Goal Live: The Possible Dream, a year-long campaign that will culminate in a ten-hour live broadcast of performances on September 26, 2020. In what will be the largest live-broadcast cause event in history, Global Live will broadcast shows from five continents: Central Park in New York, Lagos in Nigeria, and to-be-announced cities in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. We’re excited to announce that we’ll be appearing live at one of these shows along with Billie Eilish, Coldplay, Eddie Vedder, MUSE, Ozzy Osbourne, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pharrell Williams, and many, many more who will fan out around the globe.

Next year marks the ten-year countdown to achieve the United Nations Global Goals, a roadmap to end extreme poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. Global Citizen engages with more than 25 million advocates and activists each month who are using their collective voice to help achieve these objectives. Through the platform, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards for their actions. They can redeem those awards to attend Global Citizen events and experiences that take place all over the world. For more information, visit

More details about the Global Goal Live events - including performers, line-ups and locations, broadcast information, additional events, and more - will be shared over the coming months. Starting today, people everywhere can start taking action to call on world leaders to fulfill their promises. For more information visit