What is the Metallica T-Shirt Club and how can I become a member?

The Metallica T-Shirt Club is a subscription service that includes four t-shirts, produced and shipped over the course of roughly a year-long term. These t-shirts will feature exclusive designs from old tour dates, crew shirts, and more. Each shirt will feature special additions, including sleeve tags, as well as, exclusive packaging, including subscription-specific hang tags.

Each new subscription year, we will hold an open enrollment for the T-Shirt Club. Members will be able to choose whether they want one combined shipment per subscription period in which they will receive all four t-shirts at the end of the term when the final shirt has been released OR four separate shipments per subscription period in which they will receive each individual t-shirt as soon as it is released.

Please make your selection carefully as it cannot be changed once enrollment ends. Members can choose to auto-renew your subscription and your payment method on file will be automatically billed at the start of the new term, retaining your membership status. Please note, PayPal and Apple Pay will not be available for any subscription orders.

Renewal notifications will be sent out before the next subscription term.