Will accessible tickets be available during the presales?


**Melbourne & Perth:** Accessible tickets (including Companion Cards) can be purchased by calling our Customer Service team on the Accessible Bookings line Monday – Sunday 9am – 5pm AEDT: 1300 446 925. **This phone number is reserved for patrons with accessibility requirements and companion cardholders and cannot process any other ticketing requests.**

Accessible tickets, both during the Presales and the General Public sale period, can also be requested via our Submit a request – Ticketmaster Help. Please be sure to include your relevant presale code or direct URL if wanting to make a booking during the presale period.

Venues are solely responsible for establishing their own accessible ticket policies. Availability and type of accessible seating tickets will vary by venue. 

**Adelaide, Brisbane & Sydney:** Availability & type of seating will vary & is set by the venue.

Complete the Accessible Seating Form and we will contact you to process your booking here.

**Auckland:** Accessible seats can be purchased by calling our Customer Service team on the Accessible Bookings line:  09 970 9711 . This phone number is reserved for patrons with accessibility requirements and companion cardholders and can not process any other ticketing requests.